As an organization you have your own training platform. Here you can learn about the platform, try out features, view content from the client's perspective, or reproduce issues.

Get to know the platform

In a training platform you have the opportunity to get to know the Minddistrict product. You will discover which functions we have and how they work. Try out features or create test clients to see what the platform looks like for clients.

The training platform is separate from the production platform on which you treat your clients. So you can try everything on the training platform. This will have no effect on the treatment platform.

How to create a test client account?

Each account within Minddistrict is linked to a valid email address. Only unique email addresses can be used within a platform. You can use a managed email address to create a test client.

But there is another option: you can also use a fictitious email address that is managed by us. The fictitious email address you can use for this is: You can make up the name yourself.

You cannot log in to the client account with a fictitious email address, but you can use the user switch. The function of the user switch is that you see the platform from the perspective of the client.

Learn how to work with Minddistrict

Want to learn more about how the Minddistrict platform works? This is possible through the many Minddistrict elearnings. This elearning consists of a set of online training courses for you as a therapist to learn how to work with Minddistrict and ehealth in general. You will learn, among other things:

  • How Minddistrict works
  • About the content of our modules
  • How to give good motivational online feedback
  • How to use ehealth after your face-to-face conversations.
Do you want to follow Minddistrict e-learnings? Or maybe you prefer to receive training from a trainer? Please contact the application manager or helpdesk of your organization.(Opens in new window)