How do you create a client account? How can you properly manage your caseload? You can read all about this on this support page.
Menu in the client account
The client file has a menu on the left side of the screen. From this menu you can view all parts of the account.
- Dashboard: This page opens by default when you open an account. On this dashboard you can see in 1 overview all tools that the client is working on and what the progress is.
- Details: Here you will find the client's account details (such as name, date of birth and email address). You can adjust this data. You can also deactivate the account here and resend the welcome email.
- Conversations: On this page you will find all conversations in which you and this client are participants together.
- Contact history: Every action that takes place in a client account is recorded. You can find this log under the contact history. The client also has access to this log in his own account.
- Tasks: Here you can see which tasks are still open for the client. You can also see which tasks you as a therapist still have to do for this client.
- Professionals: Here you can see which professionals are linked. You can also link other professionals. You can unrelate professionals - if desired - you can also transfer the tools to another professional.
- Tools: The other menu items concern the guidance tools in the platform. Here you can see which modules, training courses, diaries and questionnaires the client is working on. You can see the progress of the tools and you can add new tools.
Add a client account
To create a client account, go to the 'Clients' and click on '+ Add client'. To create an account you need the following information:
- Gender
- First and last name
- Email address
- Date of birth
Depending on the settings on your platform, it may also be necessary to enter a telephone number or a client ID. You have the option to add a label or prepare a package for the client. These are optional options.
When you have entered all the details, click on 'Add'; and the account is created. Your client will receive a welcome email at the specified email address with which he/she/they can create a password and log in.
Having problems creating an account?
- When adding a client, do you get the message "A user already exists with this email address"? Then an account has already been created at this address and a new account cannot be created. Click here for more information on what to do in this situation.(Opens in new window)
- Is the client not receiving a welcome email? Check whether the e-mail address has been entered correctly or ask whether the e-mail has ended up in the spam box.
Customize or (de)activate a client account
As a therapist, you can adjust a client account. For that, go the client account and click on 'Details'; in the left menu.
- Edit:Here you have the option to edit the client's details. You can enter the name, email address, gender, and date of birth. You can optionally label the client account.
- Reset two-step authentication (not available by default): Does the client run out of recovery codes to log in with the two-step authentication? Then you can reset the two-step authentication for the client here.
- Resend welcome email:Here you have the option to resend the welcome email. The client will then receive an email containing a button to create a password. The button in the email is valid for 7 days.
- Deactivate:You deactivate a client account when a client is no longer being treated or under supervision at your organisation. Deactivating ensures that the client can no longer log in. His or her data will be saved. You can always reactivate a deactivated account.
Do you still want to give your client access to his account, but you don't want to be contacted anymore? Then make sure you unrelate the tools and professionals from the client. See how in the last chapter of this page.(Opens in new window)
Client account deletion
A client has the right to have his or her account deleted under GDPR law. If a client requests deletion of the account, you can submit this request to the application manager of the Minddistrict platform. He or she can then request the deletion at the Minddistrict service desk.
When deleting an account, all data (this includes all data in the modules, including the therapists feedback, diaries, conversations, and account information), are permanently deleted. This is an irreversible action. The data cannot be retrieved.
Procedure of the service desk
In order to process the request, Minddistrict's service desk needs the platform URL and the anonymized client ID. You can provide this information to the application manager.(Opens in new window) Collect in advance this data to will speed up the process. Click here to find the platform URL(Opens in new window) and click here how to find the client ID.(Opens in new window)
Once the Minddistrict service desk has received all the necessary information from the application manager, it will ask for confirmation of the removal request. Deleting an account is an irreversible action. The application manager may ask you as a therapist for this confirmation. As soon as the service desk has received the confirmation, the request will be processed within 5 working days. A confirmation email will be sent to the application manager if the account has been deleted.
(Un)relate from clients
You must be related to a client account as a therapist to be able to view and edit this account. There are several routes to be paired:
- If you create a client account yourself as a therapist, you will be automatically related.
- A therapist who is already related can relate another therapist.
- A professional with the role of 'Secretary' can relate therapists.
Relate another therapist (or supervisor)
To relate a therapist, take the following steps:
- Open a clients account
- Go to 'Professionals' (left menu)
- Click on 'Relate therapist'
- Select the right professional and click on 'Relate therapist'
It is also possible to relate a supervisor. A supervisor is someone who must be able to look into the account, but does not actively guide it. Someone related as a supervisor cannot send and receive messages from the client. The supervisor can see what the client has written in the modules and what feedback the therapist has given on this.
Unrelate yourself or other therapists
You can unrelate yourself or other therapists from a client account.
When unrelating yourself or others, it is important that tools you guide are transferred! The client crashes when no one guides the module.
To unrelate yourself or a therapist, take the following steps:
- Open a clients account
- Go to 'Professionals' (left menu)
- Click on 'Manage relationship'
- Select the therapist who will guide the tools
- Click on 'Transfer tools to therapist'
Is the therapist not taking over any tools? Then you can click on 'Unrelate tools'. This can be useful, for example, if you want to keep your client's account access but want to end the contact options.