Every person is different. Therefore, the road to change looks different for everyone. Minddistrict helps people with that. Minddistrict offers you and your client a safe ehealth platform where you can work together on recovery. You use ehealth via Minddistrict as support in addition to your face-to-face contacts. As a therapist you can choose from a wide catalogue with all kinds of support tools. A client can also get started with online self-help. This way, for each client there is a personal offer that is suitable for his or her symptoms.

Our modules consist of psycho-education, videos, illustrations, exercises and examples. With our diaries, daily thoughts and memories can be recorded. This gives you insight into patterns and progress of the client. Action plans help the client to set and achieve concrete goals. And finally, there are a number of questionnaires available that you can use.

Our catalogue contains more than 150 modules. Check out our full range of modules and other tools on our website.(Opens in new window)


A module is an online program in which your client receives information, can watch videos and do exercises. As a therapist you may provide online feedback on these exercises. It can help the client to:

  • Process and remember information better.
  • Getting started at home with exercises that fit into the treatment.
  • Recognition can be found in videos of other clients with the same symptoms that serve as an example.
There are two types of modules:
(Mobile) modules that can be done by the client not only via the browser, but also via the Minddistrict App.
Browser-only modules that can be done by the client via the browser on his computer, laptop, tablet or telephone. The following instructions apply to the mobile modules. See here for setup and customization instructions of browser-only modules.(Opens in new window)

Select and add a module

In the catalogue you can see which modules are available for you in the platform. See here how you can search for the right module in the catalogue.(Opens in new window)

You can assign a module to your client via two routes:

  1. Via the catalogue you can search for the module in all available content. Next, you select the client from your caseload for which you want to assign the module.
  2. In the client's account, go to the module catalogue and select the module you want to add.

Customize a module

If you choose to add the module, you can make a couple of adjustments before you actually assign the module. You can:

  • Edit the title of the module
  • Choose who the guiding therapist is; that is the one who receives messages and/or feedback tasks.
  • Choose whether or not there are feedback moments.
Modules you provide feedback on contain 'send times'. As soon as the client has arrived at such a sending moment, you will be given a task to provide feedback on the exercises. The feedback you send is a conversation. Clients can therefore respond to your feedback.

As soon as you have added the module, you will see the overview of the module with the chapters in the left column. On the right you see the pages of the module. By using the left column you can navigate through the pages.

You can customize a module for the client. You can choose to hide specific chapters. Reasons to do this are, for example, when parts of the module are not relevant to the treatment, or if you would like to make the module shorter. You can do this by clicking on the slider. This way, the slider moves and the chapter is hidden.

Guide a module

When you have assigned a module to a client (or you have been made the guided therapist by a secretary or other therapist), you are the one guiding the module. You receive notifications when your client has engaged in the module and sent their answers to you. If you have enabled feedback moments, you will receive an email that there is a task to provide feedback on the client's submitted answers.

Once you have sent the feedback, the client receives a message that feedback is ready. The client can respond to this and move on to the next part of the module.

You can also find the feedback conversations under 'Conversations'.


You will find the settings of a module when you click on the gear icon. Here's what you can do:

  • Modify module title
  • Turn feedback on/off
  • Change the guiding therapist
  • Remove module
Removing a mobile module is only possible if the client has not started the module yet. Once a client opens the module, the module is logged in the client's file. Browser-only modules cannot be removed completely. However, it is possible to cancel a browser-only module. Click here to find out how to cancel a browser-only module.(Opens in new tab) 

A second module; parallel or sequential?

If you want to add a second module for the client, you have two options. You can add it next to the current module or you can add the module sequentially to the module.

  • Assigning modules next to each other means that the client can choose which subject he wants to work on; you can immediately widen the trajectory. Too many modules next to each other can also be distracting.
  • Placing modules sequentially means that the client cannot start the next module until the first modules has been completed. This allows the client to focus on a specific subject, but the client also has less freedom of choice.

Adding a second module means that during the process of assigning it, you can choose:

  • to add the module to an existing module list (sequentially). To do this, click on the blue bar with the module title.
  • to start a new module list (in parallel). click on 'Create a new module list'


A diary or a tracker is a good tool to gain insight into your client's patterns and progress. For example, it provides insight in your client's mood, emotions or sleep pattern. Keeping a diary/tracker can be very helpful. It gives both your client and you as a therapist more insight. In addition, it offers interesting information to talk about during a face-to-face conversation. A nice support for every therapy treatment!

Select and add a diary/tracker

In the catalogue you can see which diaries are available for you in the platform. Learn how to search for the right tools in the catalogue here.(Opens in new window)

You can select a diary via two routes:

  1. Using the general catalogue you can search for the right diary in all available content. Click on 'Add diary'. Next, select a client from your caseload.
  2. In the clients account, click on 'diary'  in the menu. Next, click on 'Add diary', and select the diary of your choice.

Guide a diary/tracker

A diary/tracker doesn't need active guidance. There are no feedback moments. That's why you don't receive any notifications when your client has completed his or her diary. However, it is advisable to regularly check the diary/tracker to see what your client has entered. You can send a message if you want to comment on the diary. Or you can discuss progress face-to-face.

How to look into your client's diary:

  1. On your client's account
  2. Go to menu item 'Diary'
  3. You can see the progress in the calendar, graph, timeline and annual overview.

Customize a diary/tracker

You can make a number of adjustments to a diary. To do this, open the diary. Then go to the 'Configuration' tab. Here you can:

  • Change the guiding therapist.
  • Archive a diary.
  • Change the task schedule (reminders for the client).
If you archive a diary, the client will no longer be able to complete the diary. Previously entered moments remain saved and visible. You can always reactivate an archived diary.

Customize a task schedule

With a task schedule you can set reminders for your client. If a reminder is sent, the client receives a message to complete the diary. If a client uses the Minddistrict app, the client will receive a reminder in the form of a push message.

The Minddistrict app must be running in the background to receive the push messages.

In the task schedule you can determine when, how often and for what period the client will receive the reminders. You can also set a notification message.

With most diaries you have the option to activate the standard task schedule. You don't have to set up the task schedule yourself. This often has an end date attached to it. If a client no longer receives reminders, the task schedule may have ended. By adjusting the task schedule, the client can continue to receive reminders for longer.

New version of a diary available

Tools such as diaries are maintained. For example, changes may be made to diaries. These changes are not implemented automatically. When clients regularly fill in a diary, it is strange if the diary suddenly looks different. If you see that a new version is available, you can compare the old and new version. You can discuss the differences with the client before updating the new diary. This way you avoid surprises for the client.

Archive a diary/tracker

Has a client finished the diary? Then you can archive the diary. The diary then disappears from the client's homepage. If the client still wants to continue with the diary, you can reactivate the diary. You can find the archived diaries at the bottom of the 'Configuration' tab, within the diary menu.


A plan or schema can help you keep an overview within a client's treatment, or work towards goals.

The plans/schemas are always at the top of the client's home page for quick and easy access. Also, the client can always modify the plans and schemas.

An example of a plan is the Relapse prevention plan. This allows clients to clearly map out their signs and actions to prevent relapse. You also have an If/then plan that helps set realistic goals and an Exercise plan where you can practice challenging situations. Through the schema Case conceptualisation, the client can get an overview, and thus insight, into how they are put together.

What clients write down in the module can be collected in a plan. This way, they always have their own plan or schedule in their pocket, which can be easily modified and saved.

Select and add a plan or schema

In the catalogue you can see which plans or schemas are available for you in the platform. Learn how to search for the right tools in the catalogue here.(Opens in new window)

You can select a plan or schema via two routes:

  1. Using the general catalogue you can search for the right plan or schema in all available content. Click on 'Add'. Next, select a client from your caseload.
  2. In the clients account, click on 'Plan or schema'  in the menu. Next, click on 'Add', and select the plan or schema of your choice. 
There are also modules that can trigger plans or schemas. The answers from the module automatically appear in the plan.

Guide a plan/schema

What a client enters in the plan or schema can be found in the account. You can also see a client's adjustments. This is how you view your client's plan or schedule:

  1. Find the client and click on his/her name to enter the file
  2. Go to the menu item 'Plan or schema' 

Customize a plan/schema

If you choose add, then you can make some adjustments before actually getting the plans or schemas ready. You can:

  • Change the title of the plan or schema
  • Set who the guiding therapist is.

Questionnaires and ROM

Minddistrict offers several questionnaires that you, as a therapist, can use in treatment. You can offer these questionnaires repeatedly in a schedule to create a measurement pathway. This gives you insight into the client's mental well-being. These insights support you and your client in making decisions about the treatment process. So the client receives appropriate care. To provide insight into a client's progress, the results of the questionnaires are compared and displayed graphically.

You can use questionnaires in different ways:
1. You can assign a single questionnaire. Then choose one 'Questionnaire planning'.
2. You can assign the same questionnaire several times. Set up a 'Questionnaire planning' and add the same questionnaire again (or several times). Choose a start date for the questionnaires.
3. You can assign several questionnaires. Prepare a 'Questionnaire planning' and add another questionnaire (or several). Choose a start date for the questionnaires.
4. You can also add (one or several) modules in the 'Questionnaire planning'. Choose a start date for the modules.
5. You can have a questionnaire completed by an Informant. When you select a questionnaire for a client, you can also choose the option 'Informant'.

Select and add a questionnaire

In the catalogue, you can see which questionnaires are available in the platform. See how to search for the right tool in the catalogue here.(Opens in new window)

You can add a questionnaire via two routes:

  1. Using the catalogue, search for a questionnaire in all the content available. Then select the client from your caseload for whom you want to add the questionnaire.
  2. In the client's account, go to the module catalogue and select the questionnaire you want to add.
For an overview of available questionnaires, you can filter by 'Questionnaire planning' in the catalogue.

Guide a questionnaire

If your client has completed a questionnaire, you can find the completed questionnaire in his or her file under the menu item 'Module'. A questionnaire can contain an accompanying report for you as a therapist and client. This is a calculation and/or outcome based on the answers given by the client. The report may also contain a (referral) recommendation.

View the results per questionnaire on the results page via the left menu.

Questionnaires for Informants

Within healthcare, it is sometimes desirable to complete a questionnaire for a client. For example, teachers filling in questionnaires about a student for more insight into behaviour and performance, parents providing information about their child's well-being and home situation or therapists recording their own evaluations.

Not every organisation offers the 'Questionnaires for Informants' option. In that case, you will not see this feature available in the platform.

Select and add a questionnaire for Informants

In the catalogue, you can see which questionnaires are available in the platform. See how to search for the right tool in the catalogue here.(Opens in new window)

You can add a questionnaire for informants via two routes:

  1. Using the catalogue, you search for a questionnaire in all the content available. Then select the client from your caseload for whom you want to add the questionnaire. There you have the option to choose an informant as recipient of the questionnaire. Enter the informant's name and email address. A link is sent to the email address to complete the questionnaire.
  2. In the client's account, go to the module catalogue and select the questionnaire you want to add. There you have the option to choose an informant as the recipient of the questionnaire. Enter the informant's name and email address.
The link is valid for 30 days and can be opened during that time, regardless of closing the browser.

Professionals can assign questionnaires to people around a client, other professionals, or themselves.

Guide a questionnaire for informants

The informant receives the e-mail with the link and does not need to create an account. The questionnaire can be completed immediately.

This works the same for professionals if they send the questionnaire to their own (professional) e-mail address. However, are they logged into their professional Minddistrict environment at the same time? Then they are automatically logged out there and logged in to the informant Minddistrict environment as soon as they click on the link in the e-mail.

Questionnaire plannings assigned to informants are displayed in the client's module view and explicitly show who they are assigned to via the name given to an informant, making it easier to distinguish which questionnaires should be completed by a client and which by an informant.

Some questionnaires display results in a graph. You can find this graph under 'View results'.

Select and add a questionnaire planning or ROM

You can add the same or different questionnaires to the questionnaire planning to create a measurement track.

You can prepare a questionnaire planning via two routes:

  1. In the client's account, go to the module catalogue, click 'Add module' in the questionnaire schedule and select the questionnaire you want to add. Then choose a start date for the questionnaire.
  2. In the client's account, go to the module catalogue, click on the title of your questionnaire schedule and then on 'Add module'. Choose a start date for the questionnaire.
Questionnaires with a start date are two weeks available to the client. After that, the questionnaire expires, including responses from uncompleted questionnaires.

Guide a questionnaire planning or ROM

What the new questionnaire planning brings you as a therapist:

  • You create a schedule for (repeated) questionnaires and give that schedule a start date.
  • Add or remove questionnaires from the planning yourself
  • View the status per questionnaire. On the planning page, you can see the questionnaires and whether they are Scheduled, Available, Started, Completed or Not Completed.
  • You will receive an e-mail notification and a task when your client has completed a questionnaire.
  • View the results of the questionnaires in a graph, including norm tables and norm groups.

Customize a questionnaire planning

You can edit a questionnaire schedule. To do so, click on the cogwheel icon. This allows you as a therapist:

  • Change the title of questionnaire planning.
  • Change the guided therapist.
  • Add questionnaires.
  • Delete questionnaires.
  • Change start dates of questionnaires.

Action plans

In a couple of mobile modules, clients have the option of drawing up an action plan. The action plans allow clients to set a personal goal to work towards and evaluate their progress on a regular basis. The action plan regularly reminds clients to track progress. This way they can adjust the plan if necessary. This gives clients and therapists extra insight into the steps that are being taken towards the desired behavioral change.

Guide an action plan

In the mobile modules, clients are guided in formulating a plan containing their personal and achievable goal. Once the plan is created from within the module, clients can define their goal and set a date when they want the goal accomplished.

Clients regularly receive a task with a reminder to keep track of their progress on their goal. Multiple modules have action plans so clients can work on multiple action plans simultaneously. These plans are activated from the module and exist as independent tools that are always available on the home screen. After an evaluation, or at any other time, clients can review and adjust their goal if necessary. Once clients reach their goal, the goal is marked as 'achieved'. and the plan is archived.

As a therapist you can view all plans of your clients. You can see when the next evaluation moments are scheduled and you can view all evaluations completed on a goal and thus monitor the progress of your clients.

Screenings (browser-only)

A screening is a tool that offers questionnaires to clients.

Select and add a screening

In the catalogue you can see which screenings are available for you in the platform. See here how you can search for the right tool in the catalogue.(Opens in new window)

You can set up a screening via two routes:

  1. Via the catalogue you can search for the screening in all available content. Next, select the client from your caseload for which you want to prepare the screening.
  2. In the client's account, go to the menu and select the screening you want to add.

Guide a screening

If your client has completed a screening, you can find the completed questionnaire in his or her account under the menu item 'Screening'. A screening may contain an accompanying report for you as a therapist. This is a calculation and/or outcome based on the answers given by the client. The report may also contain (referral) advice.

Monitorings (browser-only)

With a monitoring you can offer questionnaires that have more than 1 measurement moment. To provide insight into a client's progress, the results of the monitoring are compared and graphically displayed.

Select and add a monitoring

In the catalogue you can see which monitorings are available for you in the platform. See here how you can search for the right tool in the catalogue.(Opens in new window)

You can set up a monitoring via two routes:

  1. Via the catalogue you can search for the monitoring in all available content. Then select the client from your caseload for which you want to prepare the monitoring.
  2. In the client's account, go to the monitoring catalogue and select the monitoring you want to prepare.

In the catalogue, click on the title of the monitoring to view the contents. You can then see of how many measurement moments the monitoring consists. Furthermore, it shows how much time is planned between these measurement moments. As soon as you actually start a monitoring for a client, you determine the start date of the first measurement moment.

Guide a monitoring

When the monitoring has been added to the client, the client will receive a task to start the first measurement.

  • Completed measurement: As soon as a client has completed a measurement, you as a therapist will receive an email. You can then view the completed measurement in the platform. If several measurements have been entered, you can view the progress in the graph.
  • Uncompleted measurement: If the client has not completed the measurement 2 weeks after the activation date, you as a therapist will receive an e-mail about this. Via the link in this e-mail you can read the ´reason for non-response´ to report. Choose the reason that is most likely.
Specifying the non-response is a platform configuration that can be set by the application manager.

Customize a monitoring

You can adjust a monitoring. As a therapist, you can:

  • Change the title.
  • Change the linked responder.
  • Reschedule measurement moments.
  • Delete measurement moments.
  • Add measurements.
Minddistrict develops its tools based on evidence-based guidelines and in direct collaboration with clients and therapists.